The Loneliness Behind the Screen: How Online Dating Affects Real Relationships

Date de fin de l'événement 30.10.2022
Nom du proposeur Alex
Nom de l'asbl ou de la structure Free Dating
Public cible
  • Enfants de 0 à 3 ans
Techniques artistiques
  • Théâtre et arts de la parole
Type de projet
  • Stage court (2 à 3 jours)
A quel(s) moment(s) ?
  • Le(s) week-end(s)
Description du projet


93SmartFoxGirl July 18, 2011 at 11:04 am

Yeah, that type of thank you is nice. I say thank you alot to service folk because I know they hardly hear it. It means alot.


94muze July 18, 2011 at 11:43 am

yeah i’ve never done fast food, but i’ve done retail and i always appreciated the folks who bothered to say thank you. in general people just don’t. smh


951.21 jigowatts! Jigga who?! July 18, 2011 at 12:58 am

These’s (yes, I made up word) are absolutely hilarious:

“Wow, Jane. Ever since that pitbull bit off your nose, I couldn’t help to notice how pretty your eyes are.”

“Hey, you always have the nicest pencils.” could (and probably would) be interpreted by most men as “Hey, I have some space in my vagina that I need for you to fill.”

and the latter is sooooo true. I compliment men often enough, even strangers. Men often either look at me like a deer in headlights, smile earnestly, or tell me I’m giving them a line and am too slick. Funny how unbelievable something so simple like that is.


96The Champ July 18, 2011 at 9:23 am

“Funny how unbelievable something so simple like that is.”

funny in a depressing sort of way


97Tonya July 18, 2011 at 12:58 am

I can believe this.

I am pretty free with my compliments. Male or female. Back in college I used to be known as a flirt, and I could not understand why at first… it’s because I complimented the hell out of everyone. LOL