The Loneliness Behind the Screen: How Online Dating Affects Real Relationships

Date de fin de l'événement 30.10.2022
Nom du proposeur Alex
Nom de l'asbl ou de la structure Free Dating
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  • Enfants de 0 à 3 ans
Techniques artistiques
  • Théâtre et arts de la parole
Type de projet
  • Stage court (2 à 3 jours)
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  • Le(s) week-end(s)
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I also smiled a lot and laughed at jokes. I can’t help it. I laugh at everything.

It didn’t mean I was interested, and I stayed single until I met the real special someone. But now I see the effect it has on men, and I only compliment dudes who are my friend and know good well I am not interested. (or at least they should know)


98Tonya July 18, 2011 at 12:59 am

..btw..I am not with that special someone, so if someone wants to compliment me, feel free to do so. :)


99Mo-VSS July 18, 2011 at 1:16 am

And I think that’s the issue with men. If you compliment men in general they either think you’re into them or you’re a teast/flirt. You can’t be nice to some dudes without them thinking it’s more than JUST A COMPLIMENT. It ain’t always about getting it in…


100B. Brown July 18, 2011 at 7:09 am

“If you compliment men in general they either think you’re into them or you’re a teast/flirt. You can’t be nice to some dudes without them thinking it’s more than JUST A COMPLIMENT.”

This isn’t true for women as well?


101TheAnti-Cool July 18, 2011 at 8:21 am

It is for me. And it’s something I feel I need to work on.


102Sula July 18, 2011 at 9:17 am

Nope. Or else women wouldn’t compliment each other. It just means the person noticed something special about you. That’s it.
